Sunday, December 19, 2010


The Tale of  Gwendolen  Tulip
In a garden in France, there once was a little tulip named Gwendolen. She was one of the most beautiful flowers in the garden; she had long  curved petals that were tipped with the lightest pink and, had the greenest stem.
            But the most beautiful part of her that every other flower was jealous of were her gorgeous pale yellow petals, and because of that, she was teased.
All the other flowers wanted that color for themselves! They tried very hard to sprout as beautifully as she did; and then there was a group called “The Daffodils” it was made up of three mean daffodils named Ramona, Chantal, and Janet; the Daffodils watched her everyday and, everyday they tried to fan out their leaves as she did but it was no use.  So, ‘cause they couldn’t do it they took it out on the poor little flower.  They told her “Who wants that ugly color of yellow anyway. It’s the same color as the garbage that the humans throw away!” And then they’d laugh and laugh and laugh until Gwendolen, as beautiful as she was, would curl up and start to cry.
The next day ,Gwendolen decided it would be better to be friends with the Daffodils than have them make fun of her everyday, so she twisted her green stem out as looong as she could and spoke to the Daffodils in a quiet melodic voice, “Hello, I’m Gwendolen. What are  your names?”
The daffodils were so surprised, because Gwendolen had never spoken to them before! And her voice is so lovely! Thought the Daffodils.
They said to one another, “Lets pretend she’s not there and ignore her. That way, she’ll have no friends! People without friends are never as beautiful as they seem.”
The Daffodils continued to sun themselves and play with each other’s leaves pretending to have fun so to make fun of poor little Gwendolen. Seeing that she was not going to get an answer, Gwendolen twisted her stem all the way back down to her little pile of dirt. “Why won’t they play with me? Do they think I’m ugly?” she thought to herself. That night she curled up and went back to sleep, all alone and sad.
While Gwendolen was asleep she dreamed that she was the same color as the Daffodils, and playing with the other flowers in the garden. She was no longer any different!
Oh, how she wished it would come true!  But, as usual the next moring she woke up and saw again that she had the same color of yellow petals with the pink tips at the top and that humiliatingly green stem on the bottom; Gwedonlen was so sad she began to wilt.  “What else can I do?” She thought, “They’re still mean to me anyway, i wish i could be like them.”
The Daffodils saw this and whispered amongst themselves “What do we do we’ve upset her” Mumbled Chantal
“I guess thats a good thing,” Scoffed Janet
“Yes but, then again-” “We don’t want her to wilt! If she wilts we can longer admire her beauty or have someone to tease! What do we do?” They exclaimed in silent unison.
While they discussed what they were going to do, Gwendolen sunned herself and streched her petals but, when she reached out she noticed she had just felt something. She had never seen anything there before, so she twisted herself around to see what was there.
There, right next to her was a flower just like her. A flower with the same green stem and the same pink tipped petals with the yellow outside! Oh, she’d never been so happy in her life. Gwendolen’s leaves freshened themselves, her bud opened up as widely as it could ,and her colors got bright and radiated a pink hue.  She turned to the new flower and said “BIENVENUE à Jarden de la Lourve, Welcocme to the garden of the Lourve! My name is Gwendolen and it’s very nice to  meet you!”
“Why thank you,” replied the other flower “My name is Foy, its a pleasure to meet you Gwendolen, I’m sure you, Anne,and I will be great friends.”
“Yes, Hello! My name is Anne I’m right behind you actually! You’re so beautiful! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Hello, and Thank you! It’s nice to have two friends, now we can play in the sun together.” Gushed Gwendolen.
“Yes, it’ll be amazing I can’t wait to spend the rest of spring with you two!” exclaimed Foy. Gwendolen was very happy but, that didn’t last long.
 “OH LOOK!” Sneered Chantal“It’s a WHOLE group of uglies.”
“Yea!” Agreed Janet
“I wonder if they keep getting uglier as the spring comes?” Hollered Ramona.
“We’ll just have to see, but I don’t think that’s possible, considering how UGLY they are!” And then all the daffodils started to laugh and laugh as they had done before with Gwendolen.
But Gwendolen had, had enough. “OH, BE QUIET YOU RUDE WEEDS!” The Daffodils stopped laughing and turned their buds, “All you flowers have done is make fun of me since the day I sprouted! You ought to be ashamed making a flower feel so bad that they wanted to wilt! Then, as soon as other flowers like me pop up you start being rude AGAIN!  I’m sick and tired of having to fall asleep crying! SO, IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY DON’T SAY IT AT ALL!” Finished the raging Gwendolen and then she turned her back on the flowers and continued  to  sun bathe with her new friends who had each congratulated her on her bravery.
The Daffodils were shocked, never had they been insulted like this before and they realized that is  what it was like to have your feelings hurt. Now, not only did they feel sorry that they had teased Gwendolen, but they also felt ashamed as well!
The Daffodils thought it was now the right time to apologize to Gwendolen and her friends for all themean things they had said to them.
“Umm…excuse me Madme Gwendolen.” The Daffodils had never actually spoken to her directly before “We wanted to say…We’re sorry for all the mean  things we said to you, we were just so jealous of your beautiful petals.  We … we wanted them all for ourselves, and we just want to say we think you’re beautiful.” Their bright yellow petals turned a deep  orange.
Gwendolen twisted herself up to the Daffodils level and looked at them, then she stroked each of their leaves, and this time in a confident voice said, “That is alright I always thought you all were beautiful, I wanted to be just like you!”
The Daffodils gasped “REALLY?”
“Of course, but I  forgive you, you were jealous; so please, s’il vous plait come and sun with us down here.”
Then they faned each other and dappled in the sunlight for the rest of the day, and they didn’t even think about the color or beauty of one another again, because they knew in their “hearts” that they were all the same.

                        The End!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Authors Note

This story is based on some troubles that just happened to cross my path years ago when i was little. (Though through different circumstances.)
Body Image is on of the bigger issues in the world; it falls in the categories of obesity (which right now IS a very important issue), and bullying. People who bully other persons because of their shape,ethnicity,or relationship beliefs are usually insecure about themselves and/or have a reason to believe that those kinds of people are aliens who need to be punished for their involuntary choices.
I feel as though for kids this is one of the easier ways to show that bullying it isn't the right way to solve problems if you feel intimidated by another kid in your class because their prettier or uglier or fatter or smarter than you. 
Showing them in smaller ways that being different from someone isn't wrong but, possibly an improvement can really effect them for the future. If the world continues to separate itself for changes that people have made to fit their personalities i believe that eventually it won't be global warming or politics tearing us apart.
Helping people in small ways all around the world whether its bullying, poverty, or health issues makes a difference. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Research assignment #2

“Body image can be a major self-concern” article reflection

This article made me think about  how society and fashion magazines have collaborated intentionally or unintentionally to transmit the message that thin is the ideal for everyone but, its not; Weight does matter but some people will never be thin because of genetics.
When I read that President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama had started a diet with their daughters i found myself thinking, i really wish my parents also cared for me as much as to make sure that everyday i was eating healthy; considering my case.
I honestly don’t really care that they called their daughter “Chubby” i mean they meant it in a joking way and the girls shouldn’t take it to heart.
But, people do have the right to feel a bit insulted if they weigh like three pounds more than Michelle Obama's daughter and are already classified as chubby, but eventually everyone should be wary of their weight.
            The words that other peoples families used to describe a certain female in their group were just rude, i especially didn’t like the comment about the three year old being called “Fat, Black, and Ugly”, how considerate is that to other people who are also, black and “fat”? It’s rude and disrespectful.
Other than that i totally support the article and its views on how Body Image can be a major self esteem concern because i also, have a major concern for my body image. I feel like in school, theres alot of skinny people and i view them all as smarter people than me; Basically you could say to me fat equals dumb and smart equals fit and thin(Unless i know them already.) . So theres this idea in my head that the skinner i get, the smarter i’ll be. But it’s really hard to lose weight and i speak for the people who don’t really get out much because they have to much to do inside. My self esteem can be put out really quickly and the idea of weight also puts me out, but in general alot of people are like this and i want to tell them that:
Your weight does matter but, you have to be careful;  your hands don’t control where you put the food, you do.
 I learned this from one of my friends form camp who helped me out when i started crying amount how another girl had called me “Humungoes”. (I love you Rachel!)
I hope that everyone who doubts their weight has someone like her to tell them that they need to snap out of it and take control.
This is my overview of the first 2 pages of the “Girls speak out” part of the article.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SIRS Knowledge Source: Research Results

Gay Marriage- Big Deal or HUMONGOUS push over? SSIRS Knowledge Source: Search Results
The idea that gays should not be allowed to marry someone they love is preposterous. People, no matter what gender they love, should be able to marry one and other and be allowed to live their own lives.
What difference does it make in society anyway? Because even now they show their affection to one another in public, so why would it matter if they were married? Are people worried that our future generations will be completely gay? Because that is also ridiculous, HELLO PEOPLE HORMONES! We still have our good old fashion brain/reproductive system to help our species to continue "living" ;), so again if they get married and have kids SO WHAT?
Everyone can and should be entitled to their rights because otherwise it's just not fair; think about  what its like to stick out like a sore thumb when you go up after Mass (Church ,Temple, any religion {Meetings on a sacred day of the week}.) And, ask  the Priest if he'd be willing enough to marry you and your fiance who is by the way a guy! Imagine the churlish and stiff behavior he'd show! Its bad enough people make rude comments about them behind their backs and  show without humiliation the laggard behavior our government has  by not making this a more serious issue.
Being here and living in America i know we're less strict on Gay people but, living here sort of disgusts me...I mean history repeats itself over and over and over again with discrimination and segregation against an ethnicity or race or belief  and it just never stops! First Native Americans, then Black, then Immigrants, and now Gays; Will this madness ever stop?
I ask you now to think of you're views on gay and judge them fairly; Are we really  all that different?
Thanks fro reading and please consider,

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sarah's Key chapters 1-13 By: Tatiana De Rosnay

I enjoy reading the book Sarah's Key because it really reminds me about where part of my nationalities  come from.
In this book there are two characters Julia Jarmood a(n) American journalist, and Sarah a young girl at the simple age of ten who lives in Paris at the time of 1942.
Here is some information about the two characters:
Sarah is a girl  who lives with her parents and little brother in France,Paris and one day is taken by the french police to the Nazis. But, before doing locks her little brother in a small cupboard called their "Secret Place" and vows to return to free him. The question is how?
Julia Jarmond is an American journalists who developed a fine taste for Paris at a young age and always dreamed about marrying a french man, and eventually did. (His name is Bertnard) She lives with her daughter Zoe and her materialistic husband.
The first part of the story is Julia Jarmond is assigned to study "Vel' d'Hiv'" (A famous Nazi related attack.) And Sarah a girl who lived in the moment of the attack come together into one big MUSH of one of Frances biggest humiliations. The background of this is linked here if you'd like to know more:'_d'Hiv_Roundup or
anyway Julia is so far leading a chase over french and going over her husbands distant past as well as lineage and being so haunted by it all that she might tear her family apart, just to get away from her nightmares. 
That's what Julia is up too as for Sarah well I'll just have to go read to find out!
Til Next Time,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My extra song post :)

To the Rhythm of  "Waka Waka" by Shakira
There's always a difference 
Between two people 
Dont ever stop perk yourself up 
And back into Action
He's waiting for you
And he means it 
Hurry up run faster now man
He won't wait forever 
They're watching you they mean it
The Hate, Their eyes
It's demeaning 
And when They stare look back oh oh 
And if they punch, punch back eh eh 
*Go Lesbian,Gay, Bisexuals 
CAUSE THIS IS AMERICA (Say this first time only)
(Chrous to Waka Waka------------------I Just love it to much to change it.-But when you come to the Tsmina part go back to the star.)
Please no more suicide (Second end to Chorus) 
Listen to justice
Thats our answer 
Our time to care
Hands in the air together 
And freedom for always
It is our choice 
No more Questions
Go on and beat 'em 
This is your moment 
No  separation
Today's the day 
Believe it
Just hold on tight 
We're leaving
If they fall down get up oh oh 
They  beat him GET up eh eh 
**Go Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuals



Social Awareness assignment #4

One day I sat down in the park with my notebook and just started drawing the things that I saw, a couple kissing on the park bench, joggers taking a short water break, and little kids jumping through the autumn leaves without a care in the world.
And then, I notice this one other couple in the park; they’re not being kissy or cuddly  like other couples just holding hands the two of them, man and man. I found this such a change because (I’m 10 in this story) I always read books where the man falls in love with the girl not the boy. Studying how they walked and moved throughout the meadow was very confusing, they looked as though they’d had no place they’d rather than with each other, but they walked stiffly and gingerly as though the ground would open up between them any second.
I now realize why this is so. People can be narrow minded and sometimes forget when their staring or glaring or whatever at other persons.
This couple that I had been observing was being watched by several parents with young children, their faces set in astonishment because (or I think because) they were astounded that the gay couple had the nerve to show their emotions in public, and that they were “confessing their attraction” by their children. (In the end they took their children and left, when the gay couple asked them to stop staring.)
There were also some guy joggers (who as you know are notorious for wearing those tight little suits when they jog.) who would NOT stop cracking gay jokes.  And it was just soooooooooo disrespectful I felt like I wanted to punch them; One man from the couple started blushing when his partner went up to the joggers and started … well I’ll say “speaking his mind” to the tight suited men. (By then my mom called and told me to come home.)  And after that the 1st man from the couple started saying “Come on Peter lets just go home.” But Peter was very caught up and did not notice when other people started asking them to leave the area. In the end they left, just walked away same as before except Peters hand was wrapped firmly around Guy#1’s waist.
I hope that we all wonder one day, “I wonder what would have happened if that were me,” or “I wonder what would happen if I was LGBT?”

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Review of Katy Perry's "Ur so gay" song

I find that "Ur  so gay" by Katy Perry was a really discriminating song to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual people, while listening to the song the object of focus was not clear i wasn't sure whether she was mocking them or just joking (even so it still wasn't right that she wrote the song in the first place because it's really just rude.)
I don't think or believe that Katy Perry meant it in anyway to be mean towards gay when the video was created and I'm not quite sure why she used barbie dolls to represent her and (So i believe) her boyfriend but, the most OFFENSIVE thing that she said in the song is "No you don't even like, no you don't even likeeee PENIS." (sorry it's inappropriate) So I'm not even sure why she added that  part, but in the video it shows a barbie doll with a crotch whereas in reality all barbies' have nothing but an underwear etched on to their "skin".
I don't understand it and i really do like Katy Perry's music know what that's just not cool.

Thanks for reading and hopefully caring,
hehehehee :)

Social Awareness poem.... :) GO LGBT

                          Their  Life
Living in denial.
In fear they’ll find you cowered in the shadows.
Finding no hopes not even in dreams.
Ending up dead, in pain for yourself, for them, you don’t want to live anymore.

All this harassment is just cruel and mean to LGBT people and some have even resorted to suicide to avoid getting bullied any longer. IS this the kind of world you us to grow up in? A world full of hate and fear because people love someone of the same gender? Or is it because they think differently than we do? Do WE make fun of them because we’re afraid? Afraid of more change?


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Views on Social Awareness through Media/News Immersion

      Some injustices and general social problems that are covered in articles on/in the Newspaper, News-TV, and Videos online from the last five days are from:
(A)  The toll taxes on Buses and Subways by the M.T.A to allow it to build up its budget in taxes so it can pay its debt.
Also people being stopped by police men with out a cause, and the police seem to
have  forgotten about the legal warrant forms and notions that they are obliged to show drivers.

Some stories that I’ve recently heard about bullying come from the Bronx. Its about how maybe 3 or 4 gangs have been finding and torturing LGBT* people in abandoned apartments and sometimes even beating them to death, just because of who they are. I find this really quite nauseous and revolting because these people are people like us and shouldn’t be treated in anyway that gives harm, just because they love someone of their own gender.  I don’t understand why people feel like this is bad that Gay people aren’t like us, because I quote from our own President Change happens because of you!” as well as “keep believing that change is possible.”  So wouldn’t that stand for social issues as well?
What I’ve learned about the experience from all these articles and facts is that a lot of what other people are saying can be deciphered to pretty much the same thing “It’s JUST NOT FAIR” or “Gay people can’t, and sometimes can be a BAD thing.”  But really (what I believe) is that people would honestly not even care about gayness if not for all the attention it grabbed about religion or how people could talk about just to use as a gossip wheel about their friends or neighbors or people they just happen to know. As for the taxes and economy people are just desperate and really want to know what is really happening.

*LGBT-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual ,Transsexual

 Anyway this is probably the worst article I’ve ever written, but thanks for reading anyway!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bridge to Mine, Yours, and their Childhood

Bridge to Mine, Yours, and Their Childhood.

      "Your girlfriends dead and Mama thought you was dead too."-Katherine Paterson.
                    I really appreciate Bridge to Terabithia because it shows how childhood is very important. Leslie Burke one of the most fascinating characters (in all the books I've read yet) died when she tried to cross a stream using a swinging rope she and Jess used to cross over to the secret magical place in the woods, a place they call Terabithia.
 She, Leslie seem to be ahead of everyone else no matter what the case and I admired her character for that, because she was is so conscious about how other people’s feelings and even though she is obviously from a wealthy family she did not think twice about making friends with the poor country boy Jess. She made herself a part of the school and inserted herself into a “boys” only activity because she was good at that activity.
Although she was sad about how the other kids saw her she did not let that stop her from making friends with whomever she want to. I makes me wonder what might have happened if the author made her a part of another kind of family. Would she still want to be friends with Jess, would her attitude about life been the same?  I have to admit her death was a complete shock. I would've thought that the author would have had some sort of sweet childhood romance started between them (Jesse and Leslie). But, it makes a lot of sense that she would end the best and most important wonderful, amazing, day of Jesses’ life with the saddest thing that could possibly ever happen to him. It really helps the reader think about how to make writing interesting.
                Without a doubt death is one of the things that make Bridge to Terabithia, so heart wrenching. In fact, all the characters are innocent and the behavior shows the characteristics of children, 10 and under. The events make them seem even older with all the ordeals they're going through. It’s really sad to see that people who are the most clue-less and lovable always end up the wiser, harmed and/or more disturbed in the end.
Jess is completely affected by Leslie death and I did not think the author would allow his character to come thorough it the way she did. She allowed a kinder Jess to do a number of things such as introducing his sister as the new queen of Terabithia. What I enjoyed, and what I think is good about that is, it shows the reader what it’s actually like to experience death through Jesses’ behavior after he heard about his friend.
 You could go crazy with sadness when death happens (I would know because someone who I care about recently died) and you just don't know what to feel anymore you're like an empty shell, almost as if there is no one living inside your body. In this book the author doesn't just say, "Oh, your friend died and hour ago." That would have made me devastated, angry even.  UGH,  I hate when authors just skip all the details and emotions over! It leaves you feeling like "Huh? What just happened?" And it doesn't allow the reader to grieve.
Here's in the details is where I think Jesse also feels like I do sad, shocked and unable to go on. For me, to read more was painful.  I imagine if this story was true, it would be like being a prisoner of war (P.O.W) he wants to get out of the prison but there's someone/something that is holding you down and that something Leslie amazing spirit.
Another thing that I really like about this book is that it lets you explore with your feelings and imagination. In our lives when we dream we're using our imagination so that means it can never really go away. Imagination can never die within you unless you let it.  I like this book because it really makes you imagine and think things through. I love that sometimes it reminds adults of what it’s like to "go back to" their childhood and re-experience the adolescent feeling of their younger self and their old imaginary friends if they had any. In conclusion what I really enjoyed and appreciated about this book was that it always will (hopefully) forever remind people of what it was like to be a young girl or boy over and over again and that feeling will also remind of safety and love.

This is the book that I read.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Response to "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes

Mother to Son is an amazing poem that contains not only extremely well written detail , but great comparisons.
Even though I like this poem, I still have 1-2 questions about it. Like, when she (She being the Mother) says "Life for me ain't been no Crystal stair." I wonder why Langston Hughes because crystal seems even harder to climb the wood. It may-be pretty but that doesn't mean that it's easier to "climb".
 Also there's the part where she says "And sometimes goin' in the dark. Where there ain't been no light." Could this/that be translated to something like "And sometimes I'm not even sure what I'm doing, where in other ways other people have."
So to end my response to this poem; i translated it into my own words. HOPE YOU ENJOY AND THANKS FOR READING! -Raindrop
                                                                 Mother to Son translated by Me!
Well,son,I'll tell yo:
Life hasn't been easy
There's been things I'm unsure about
Family issues that weren't easy to live through
School problems 
And times I didn't know myself 
At all
But all the time
I've still been living 
Growing older and wiser learning to rule myself
And sometimes I'm not even sure what I'm doing 
In ways other people have 
so keep on chugging
Don't ever give up no matter how hard
Because even I'm still climbing
And I'm still learning
And life is never gonna be easy. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Bridge to Terabithia   October 13,2010
         Bridge to Terabithia printed in 1977 by Katherine Paterson
After reading Bridge to Terabethia for the second time I looked up some reviews by other people who had enjoyed/ read the book and compared my opinion to theirs, and through it, it seems as though people thought that the book was going to be a messy, mushy, young children’s romance. (Cause that’s what I thought by looking at the cover.)
            But what I really appreciate is that the book was never what it actually was played up be. Bridge to Terabithia shows that no matter what there might always still be a twist to the story so don’t give up! This is can be shown when Janice Avery is being a total jerk to Leslie (One of the main characters in the book.) on the bus, and later on even after Jesse and Leslie’s revenge (Because she publicly embarrassed Jesse.) Janice and Leslie still had a chance at friendship, after Leslie proved to her what friendship really is, by talking to her about what’s happening at home and things that were on Janice’s mind.
            Another thing I noticed people talked about on was understanding and hope; well these things are obviously important in our current situation with the government and economy so we all know what it feels like to be able to believe in something that we want to come true.
            Like for Leslie and Jesse to believe that Terabithia exists; we hope that one-day and one day soon the economy will clear itself up.
For Understanding we all have to understand the current situation that other people are in, like poverty or homelessness. Leslie has to understand what its like for Jesse and his family because his father lost his job, and she doesn’t know what that’s like because both her parents were employed. 
One more thing I appreciated about this book is its natural calmness and the idea that all kids no matter what age have imagination.
If Leslie and Jesse are allowed to imagine Terabithia then anyone no matter what the age is and can be allowed to imagine whatever they like. 
I  appreciate this because  NOBODY EVER TAKES THIS TO THEIR ADVANTAGE! Whenever someone I know is having a bad day I know I can’t always say to them “Go to your HAPPY PLACE.” Because they don’t have one they’ve never taken the liberty to imagine them, themselves. So I appreciate it because it really makes your mind work to picture Terabithia.
This issue was also brought up on the website of :
This is what I appreciated about and after reading the book bridge to teribithia.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What was with Jesse's Dad huh?!?!

                        October6,2010                     Bridge to Terabithia,
                                                Jesse’s Relationship with Father

Jess’s relationship with his father, Mr. Aaron is typical of large families in many rural American towns. His father works far away from home so he is often gone for long periods of time. When he comes home the children are familiar to him but since they are growing and changing they are also unfamiliar to him. Jess is a 12 year old boy who is growing and changing and learning about himself. Jess does not have an older brother, he only has sisters. He has two older sister and two younger sisters. Jess’s father could have come from a similar family; where his father did not show any tenderness to his son. Mr. Aaron is not comfortable showing any weakness and he is uncomfortable with Jess’s artistic talents which he thinks will make Jess feminine.  He thinks that only girls should be “artsy” it is a feminine trait, undesirable in a boy, therefore he appears very harsh in his attitude to Jess.  Toward the end of the book we see that his father is not so hard after all, he really loves Jess and was devastated when he thought he had died along with his friend Leslie. He was not afraid to cry and show tenderness to Jesse who did not die but had been missing for a few hours.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Entry#1 : Charlottes Web 1-16 by Rainclaw!

Written response on the themes of Charlotte's Web
         After reading chapters 1-16 of Charlotte's Web its been shown to me that the "big idea"/ theme of Charlotte Web is, (or 1 of them is) maternal, friendship, and family issues. 
         On page 61 a lamb insults Wilbur by telling him he smells; I found this highly aggravating and unlikeable, because of this i wrote "FUDGE OFF YOU STUPID LAMB!" I noticed how quickly Charlotte jumped to his (Wilbur's) defense and told the lamb off sharply and firmly. (I preferably would have done the opposite and screamed a couple of sharp remarks,but the lamb would have probably laughed right back at me.)   These are adjectives for maternal affections.
         Page  6 it shows Fern bottle feeding Wilbur as a runt (Piglet) , it sort of looks like she's holding a real baby and the way she holds  the bottle is extremely accurate! This proves that no matter what the age a girl will always have a maternal side/conscious.
         The next page it says "Fern, what is the capital of Pennsylvania?'
                                  "Wilbur" <3 Fern <3        This takes place in Ferns school. Even in one little sentence the motherly side leaks through. Wilbur is and will probably always be the gem of Ferns eyes. ('Til she has a family and children of her own of course!) 
         The family theme that I'm going to use has the Arables as an example. When Fern is talking about her friends, (aka all the animals excluding ones really his friend.) at the barn Ms.Arable worries who she's talking about because there are only animals on the farm! (In Ms.Arable's and our reality animals don't  talk so, there obviously is something that is gonna worry her.)
        Because she cares so much (Ferns Mother) she goes to the family docter (whom knows Fern very well) and asks him for advice on how to stop her beautiful daughter from acting so strange!
And the Doctor replies "Does she know any boys?"
    That shows that Fern's mother is very incorporated with Ferns social life! Yet, Fern does not even rrealize that her moms got her back because she doesn't really want a normal social life she want s a irregular relationship with the farm animals who also (I believe) count as her family.
        In conclusion I believe that these three themes are are extremely big ideas and important issues that make up what is known chapters 1-16  of Charlotte's Web. 

That concludes my response to the themes of Charlotte's Web.  Thanks for reading,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Blogg Ever (so bear with me!)

So this is my first time posting i think this is some of the coolest stuff I've ever done in school!
Now that i have this blog i hope you enjoy!